In year 1997, Kshitij organized its 2nd All India
Child Art Exhibition at National Bal Bhawan, New Delhi
from 20th December 1997 to 27th December 1997.
This exhibition was only second since the inception
of the Art Society in 1994, but the year
witnessed a twofold increase in the number of entries
from all States and Union Territories of India,
including the Andaman and Nicobar Islands as well.
In all 7000 paintings created by around 6100
artist were sent to the society. Handicap artist from
Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Delhi, Karnataka &
Maharashtra participated in the competition.
was not an
easy task for the judges (Shri Prayag Shukla – Poet
& Art Critic, New Delhi and Shri Madan Lal – Sculptor, B.H.U., Varanasi,
U.P.) to select the 1800
paintings. 35 Gold Medal, 35 Silver
Medal, 55 Bronze Medal and 1675 Merit Certificates
were awarded to the participants.
In addition Five Kshitij Ratna Award for
Principal and Art Teachers
“Inspiring Co-operation to children” are given to
Somervile School, Noida (Uttar Pradesh)
Delhi Public School, Dhaligaon (Assam)
Sachdeva Public School, Rohini (Delhi)
Tagore Public School, Jaipur (Rajasthan)
- Jamnabai Narsee School, Mumbai (Maharashtra) |