In year 1996, Kshitij organized its 1st All India
Child Art Exhibition at Anand Welfare Centre, Gurgaon (Haryana) from
15th November 1996 to 20th November 1996, which
provided an opportunity to the children– artist to show their hidden talents at
the national level. In all 3379 paintings created by around 2000 participants were sent to us. Even handicapped
students of Mumbai &
Pune took pain to send their works.
Participants belonged to all parts of India between
the age group of 3 to 21. It was an uphill task for the
judges (Shri Haripal Tyagi – well known artist & Poet,
Delhi & Shri Jitender Yogi – famous Illustrator,
Delhi) to choose 551 paintings for the final
selection. 3 Gold Plaque, 6
Silver Plaque, 3 First Prize, 3 Second Prize, 3 Third
Prize, 32 Honorable Awards and 501 Merit
Certificates were awarded to the participants.
In addition Three Kshitij Ratna Award for
Principal and Art Teachers for “Inspiring
Co-operation to children” are given to:
Vidyalaya, Vadodara (Gujarat)
Narsee School, Mumbai (Maharashtra)
- Vile Parle Mahila Sangh English Primary School, Mumbai (Maharashtra) |