Address : Mehta Sadan, 642, 1st Floor, Near Blue Bells Model School, Sector-4, Urban Estate, Gurgaon-122 001 (Haryana) India
Phone : 0124 - 4076895, 9891128642 
         Email : narendermehta@yahoo.co.in

Website : www.kshitij.org            Instagram :@kshitijorg     @narendermehta29

(Registered Enterprise - Government of India)


27th International Child Art Exhibition-2025 (Open Topic)

In the series of conducting artistic programmes, Kshitij has organized 7 National & 26 International Child Art Exhibitions up till 2024. A Staggering figure of 151874 participants from all over the world has esteemed the exhibitions organized by Kshitij & every year about 2000 participants increase the participants tally.

Art sees no limitations, it crosses all bars of caste, creed & culture to create diversity in unity. Art harmonious various cultures into one bonding & Kshitij is just a tool to do that. As the management of Kshitij we wish to create a diversified, modular, self-propelled interminable environment for upliftment & promotion of art. We are determined to convert this ideate into reality through interpolation of our directive efforts & your continuous will to contribute towards it success for which we invite all of you to participate.  

We hope for a wonderful response from young upcoming artists & people from all sections of the globe to participate & promote the efforts of Kshitij. Kindly send your entries with Entry Fee between 1st August to 30th September, 2025.

You are requested to please send your e-mail address and cell (mobile) no. to us at narendermehta@yahoo.co.in or whatsapp/sms at 9891128642 as it would facilitate easier & faster communication about all our latest developments to you.

We look forward for your co-operation.
Thanking you

Narender Mehta
Working for Kshitij

Guidelines to participate :

New Category : Today World is more popular for Digital Art & Photography. From current year Kids & Adults both can participate by sending Digital Art & Photography Entries as jpeg images via Email or WhatsApp.

Partcipants can submit their art work as Painting/Greeting/Cartoon/Digital Art/ Photograph via post/courier at our postal address or JPEG Images by Email at narendermehta@yahoo.co.in or WhatsApp at 9891128642

Every entry should include below information. (USE ONLY CAPITAL LETTERS)

* Participant's Name * Group & Class or Age * WhatsApp No. * Email id * Instagram ID

* School Name (in Short), City & Country

Entry Fee Applicable:
Indian Citizen
Group A
Rs. 100 (School Students upto 5th Class - Send Minimum 10 entries together, No limit for maximum entries)
Group B
Rs. 200 (School Students between 6th to 12th Standard - Send Minimum 10 entries together, No limit for maximum entries)
Group C
Rs. 300 (Group Entries, Art School/ Hobby Centers from India, All Age Students up to 12th Standard can submit)
(Send Minimum 2 entries together, No limit for maximum entries)
Group D (Individual Entry from India)
Rs. 500 First Entry, Every Additional Entry Rs. 100 extra from same participant (All Age students including Adults can participate)
Group E (International Entries - other countries (out of India) from School/Art Hobby Classes)
Rs. 300 Each Artwork - (Send Minimum 10 entries together, No limit for maximum entries)
Group F (Individual Entry from other countries (out of India)
Rs. 2500 First Entry, Every Additional Entry Rs. 500 extra from same participant (All Age students including Adults)

Participants can Registered by paying their Entry Fee through Paytm, Phone-Pe,
GPay at 9891128642 (After Successful Payment must share screenshot at same no.)
or By Net Banking (You can ask for details as required)

(By sending this Details Follow me at Instagram @kshitijorg    @narendermehta29
First Round Result will be updated here within 15 days of your submission.

You can join me at Facebook

Life members are also allowed to participate individually. For Indian Life members Entry Fee is Rs. 500 & International Life members Entry Fee Rs. 2500 will be charge for any no. of entries from each participant. Life member form is available at :-


(Life membership Fee is Rs. 2000 onetime)

Kindly use single payment option for all your entry fee etc. as DD/Cheque or Net Banking.

Entry fees should be sent by Bank Demand Draft only in favour of "Narender Mehta", payable at New Delhi or Gurgaon (Haryana).

Entry fees can also be sent by A/c payee Cheque (payable at par through clearing) in favour of "Narender Mehta" (Only for National Participant)

Entry fees can also be paid by Paytm/GPay/PhonePe at 9891128642 (Screenshot of successful payment is required)

Entry fees can also be paid by E-Transfer (You can ask for bank details)

Entry fees can also be sent by cash/ by hand.

Group (K) for small KIDS

Age less than 5 Year (Class KG, Nursery etc.)

* Teachers can help the students in Drawing & guide them in Coloring. Line Drawing Image on photocopy paper (A4/Letter size) can also be used for coloring. Kids can use same or separate images for coloring decided by Teacher/Parents.

Group (I) for Artists & Art Teachers

Artists & Art Teachers can send (Painting, Graphics, Photography, Drawing, Sculpture, Mix Media etc. JPEG Image email at narendermehta@yahoo.co.in

or WhatsApp at 9891128642 with text :-

Artist Full Name :

Complete Postal Address with Pin Code,

City, State & Country :

WhatsApp No. & Email Id :

Instagram Id :

with Art Work Details :

Title :

Medium :

Size :

Price (If Any) :

* If your students (with minimum 30 Entries) are participating in our current year exhibition then there is NO ENTRY FEE for you, means it is free for Art Teacher. If Your entries are less than 30, Teachers can submit their entries under Group D or Group F respectively.


* No copied work is allowed.

Selected Entries will be awarded by Certificate of Merit, Medal & Mementos.

Entries can be on paper/ jpeg/WhatsApp image.

Entries can be in respect of any subject or theme. The student/participant himself must make entries.  

Art work can be made in any medium, like Water Colors, Pastels, Pencils or Paper Cuttings etc/

Digital Art or Photograph.

Parcel of entries should be packed properly.

Renowned personality in respective field will judge the entries. The decision of the jury, formed for this purpose will be final without any jurisdiction.


Result (under online result) & Exhibition of award winning entries (under gallery option) will be displayed on the website www.kshitij.org latest by 31st December, 2025.

Participants will send their entries at their own risk and expenses.

Entries will not be sent back to the participants

Rules are arbitrary and subject to change, if needed.

Last Date : Kindly send your entries with Entry Fee between 1st August to 30th September, 2025.


Group K - Age less than 5 Year (Class KG, Nur. etc.)

Group A - 1st Standard (Age up to 5+ to 6 Year)

Group B - 2nd to 3rd Standard (Age up to 6+ to 8 Yr)

Group C - 4th to 6th Standard (Age up to 8+ to 11 Yr)

Group D - 7th to 9th Standard (Age up to 11+ to 14 Yr)

Group E - 10th to 12th Class (Age up to 14+ to 18 Yr)

Group F - For Handicap Participants (No Age Limit)

Group G - For Life Members (No Age Limit)

Group H - Individuals (Without Life Member, No Age Limit)

Group I - Art Teacher & Artists.


Size of the Painting/ Cartoon/ Digital Art/ Photograph should not exceed 15"x11" & Size of Greeting should not exceed 7"x10".

No mounted work will be entertained.


Deserving Art Work/ Entries will be Awarded by Gold Medal, Silver Medal, Bronze Medal.

Every Participant will be awarded a Certificate of Merit.

A separate category of awards is made for Life Members and Handicap participants.

Kshitij Ratna Award (+ 200 Entries), Kshitij Kalashri Award (+ 100 Entries) & Kshitij Prateek Award  will be awarded to Teacher & Principal who send entries between 61 to 99.

The prizes & Certificates of participants will be sent by Regd. Indian Post latest by 15th March, 2025


r Interested artists and art lovers can join a life membership by paying Rs. 2000/-. The amount will be utilised for the development programmes of art & literature. The life members' photo will be displayed on the website www.kshitij.org to introduce them to our members and participants.

Life Membership form is available at our website.

Clossing Date:

30th Sept, 2025.

Entry Form for 27th International Child Art Exhibition-2025 (Open Topic)

School/Institute Name ...................................................................................................................................

School/Institute Name (in Short Form) .........................................................................................................

Sender's Postal Address (Including Contact Person) .......................................................................................



City ........................ Zip/ Pin Code .................... State ...................... Country ...............................................

Ph ........................... STD ............. Whatsapp No ........................................ Insyagram Id : ............................

Emails ............................................................................................................................................................

No. of Painting ................. Greeting ................ Cartoon .................  Entry Fees amount ................................

Digital Art .............. Photos .............Total Entries .........................  Cheque/D.D. No. :...................................

Name of Art Teachers .................................................................  Dated : .....................................................

.............................................................................................. Bank : ...............................................................

We are sending the following entries after having accepted all the rules and regulations of 

27th International Child Art Exhibition-2025 organized by Kshitij,

We declare that the entries sent by us are original and unaided.


Name of Principal/ Head Master/ Head Mistress : (Kindly Tick) :..................................... Signature & Stamp

(Printout/copy/photocopy can be used)  

Physically Entries are to be sent along with entry fee at the following address given below by

Regd. Post, Speed Post, Courier, or by Hand :

Narender Mehta

642, 1st Floor, Sector-4, Near Blue Bells Model School, Urban Estate,

Gurgaon - 122 001 (Haryana) India

(Phone : 0124 - 4076895, 9891128642)